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A Milano, martedì 7 marzo 2017 presso il Memoriale della Shoah si terrà un workshop organizzato dalla Fondazione CDEC sul tema delle Collezioni d’archivio sulla Shoah negli archivi italiani: valutazione e misure per l’integrazione nel portale EHRI: il primo organizzato in Italia. La Fondazione Memoria Deportazione presenterà il proprio Archivio con un contributo di Massimo Castoldi e di Rocco Marzulli.

L’incontro si svolgerà dalle 10 alla 17 con la partecipazione di Veerle Vanden Daelen, Kazerne Dossin (presentazione del progetto EHRI); Micaela Procaccia, Ministero dei Beni Ambientali Culturali e del Turismo (MIBACT) – Direzione Generale Archivi; Stefano Vitali, Istituto Centrale degli Archivi  (ICAR); Lucilla Garofalo, Archivio Centrale dello Stato (ACS); Filippo Vignato, Ufficio Storico dello Stato Maggiore dell’Esercito (SME); Giselle Levy, Unione delle Comunità ebraiche Italiane – Centro Bibliografico “Tullia Zevi” (UCEI); Silvia Haia Antonucci, Archivio della Comunità ebraica di Roma (ASCER); Chiara Pilocane, Archivio U. Terracini, Jewish Comm.  Torino; Gadi Luzzatto Voghera, Archivio Comunità ebraica di Venezia; Massimo Castoldi – Rocco Marzulli, Fondazione Memoria della Deportazione.

Notizie sul progetto 

The workshop is organized by the CDEC Foundation within the framework of EHRI – European Holocaust Research Infrastructure Project ( supported by the European Commission.

Launched in 2010, the EHRI Project is dedicated to opening up collections related to Holocaust history within a web-based environment with the purpose of generating a creative exchange of knowledge and views between professionals in various subfields of Holocaust research and documentation. One of the main purposes of the EHRI project is to overcome “the wide dispersal of the archival source material across Europe and beyond, and the concomitant fragmentation of Holocaust historiography”.

The Holocaust related collections in Italy, as in many other European countries, are scattered among multiple and different institutions – public and private, Jewish and non-Jewish. Furthermore, some of them, especially those from large and non-Jewish institutions, are already less known or even “hidden” to scholars, archivists and the public in general.  In this sense, a typical example  comes from the Italian State Archives (Archivi di Stato Italiani) that holds a vast number of documents about the persecution of Jews  but they are not always put on display evidently through the available descriptions.

EHRI’s aim is to provide a virtual place where information can be found regarding those materials.

Workshop del 7 marzo

With this workshop we would like to start a gradual work aimed at the coming to light of Holocaust related material held by Italian Institutions and to disperse this knowledge as wide as possible to all those interested in the matter.
The EHRI web portal is the medium through which this making of evidence is  possible and where connections between Italian documentation and that coming from other countries, can be realized.

The CDEC Foundation, as Italian representative in the EHRI Project Consortium, is engaged in this effort. Its final aim is to valorize the archival material held by the Italian Institutions; to facilitate and foster the integration and the sharing of information about the Holocaust archival material in Italy; more generally, to contribute to a wider and integrated knowledge of the documents available for the study of the Holocaust.

The workshop in Milan is the first event organized by the EHRI Project in Italy.
Archivists from some Italian public and private, Jewish and non-Jewish Collection Holder Institutions have been invited to discuss about contents, state of the archival descriptions, possibilities and technical measures for integrating the descriptions into the EHRI portal.

La giornata


10.00 Welcome Breakfast

10.15 Opening and presentation of EHRI Project (Veerle Vanden Daelen, Kazerne Dossin)

10.45 Micaela Procaccia, Ministero dei Beni Ambientali Culturali e del Turismo (MIBACT) – Direzione Generale Archivi

11.15 Stefano Vitali, Istituto Centrale degli Archivi  (ICAR)

11.45 Lucilla Garofalo, Archivio Centrale dello Stato (ACS)

12.15 Filippo Vignato, Ufficio Storico dello Stato Maggiore dell’Esercito (SME)

12.45-13.00 Closing of the morning session

13.00 – 14.00 Light Lunch.
Tour of the Memoriale della Shoah

 Afternoon session

14.00 Giselle Levy, Unione delle Comunità ebraiche Italiane – Centro Bibliografico “Tullia Zevi” (UCEI)

14.30 Silvia Haia Antonucci, Archivio della Comunità ebraica di Roma (ASCER)

15.00 Chiara Pilocane, Archivio U. Terracini, Jewish Comm.  Torino

15.30 Coffeè break

15.45 Gadi Luzzatto Voghera, Archivio Comunità ebraica di Venezia

16.15 Massimo Castoldi – Rocco Marzulli, Fondazione Memoria della Deportazione

16.45 – 17.00 Conclusions


Laura Brazzo, CDEC Foundation (
Veerle Vanden Daelen, Kaserne Dossin (